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Event organization

Our company organize and handle all possible wedding ceremony in a professional manner. Simultaneously decrease brides and brides family wedding Ceremony preparation pressure. Our company follow the following scheme for wedding formation. Please note that the scheme may adjust based on brides interest. It's a step-by-step wedding planning timeline of all the main things you need to do to pull off a fabulous wedding day. So we created a full, downloadable list of all the essential things you will need to do, from finding a wedding venue to going dress shopping, and planning a honeymoon.

Your Wedding Planning Checklist: A Guide & Timeline

This list is a basic timeline based on a 12-month Preparation period, but it’s important to remember that each wedding is different, and possible to organized within 6 weeks. 

As soon as you get engaged/once you're ready to start wedding planning

12 Months Before The Wedding

8-10 Months Before the Wedding

6-8 Months Before the Wedding

4-6 Months Before the Wedding

2-3 Months Before the Wedding

4 Weeks Before the Wedding

2 Weeks Before the Wedding

1 Week Before the Wedding

2-3 Days Before the Wedding

The Day Before the Wedding

The Wedding Day Checklist!

Wedding day schedule vary in different wedding ceremony . The following are general checklist.

After the Wedding






Addis Ababa, Megenagna, Genet Commercial Center, 6th floor, S.N.625
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